Dr. Morgan is a licensed Acupuncturist with a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine. She uses an evidence informed approach to create treatment plans individualized for the needs of her patients. Dr. Morgan specializes in Japanese acupuncture. This style of acupuncture was developed by blind acupuncturists and incorporates advanced tactile skills that allow the practitioner to accurately identify areas of concern. These skills enable her treat with fine precision and tailor the treatment to the comfort level of the patient.
Dr. Morgan treats patients of all ages with a variety of health concerns, including but not limited to: pain, mental wellness, stress, and infertility. Following the concepts of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Morgan uses a holistic treatment approach to
treat the chief complaint and its underlying cause. Based on the patient’s need, she may incorporate acupuncture, cupping, guasha, herbal medicine, and nutritional therapy into a treatment plan. Along with providing treatment, Dr. Morgan also seeks to
empower and educate her patients.
Dr. Morgan has over 10 years of experience working in the medical field. When not treating patients, she enjoys staying active by paddle boarding, practicing yoga, horseback riding, and hiking with her husband and boxer dog. In addition to clinical practice, she also works as an Acupuncture Subject Matter Expert for the State of California and helped pioneer a successful mentorship program at UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine.