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Cosmetic Acupuncture Facial
For patients seeking anti-aging treatments and facial rejuvenation, acupuncture has risen in popularity. You may have seen facial acupuncture before and after photos of Kim Kardashian and other celebrities who seek out the many benefits of this natural face lift. In this article, we’ll take a look at how facial acupuncture works and what the treatment process is like.
After reading this, if you’re interested in learning more about facial acupuncture San Diego clinicians at Aspire Regenerative can answer your questions and make treatment recommendations based on your unique health, wellness, and beauty goals.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional Asian medical treatment that dates back to at least 100 B.C. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, it is believed that much of human illness and pain is caused by a disruption in the flow of qi (the body’s life energy that carries out a myriad of daily functions necessary for life). This time-honored healing practice works by stimulating the flow of qi.
During acupuncture treatment sessions, tiny needles are inserted into acupressure points (for facial acupuncture, these needles are inserted into specific facial acupuncture points) beneath the skin. This is believed to stimulate the flow of qi along meridians within the body, which promotes healing and restores the flow of this life energy.
Modern day practitioners of Western medicine have formed several hypotheses to explain how acupuncture works. One common hypothesis is that acupuncture causes the brain to release beta-Endorphins by stimulating neurohormonal pathways, thus reducing pain. Another is that acupuncture reduces pro-inflammatory markers. One thing scientists agree on is that acupuncture has been shown to reduce pain and promote healing.
How Does Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Work?
During facial acupuncture, small sterile needles are inserted into facial acupuncture points. This causes micro-traumas in the facial muscle tissue, stimulating a reaction similar to those caused in other muscles of the body during a rigorous workout.
When you lift weights or workout, micro tears are formed in your muscle tissue and, as your body repairs these tears, your muscles become stronger and healthier. Your body responds to micro wounds in the facial tissues by producing more collagen, increasing blood flow to the area and stimulating stem cells to migrate to the face. Essentially, facial acupuncture stimulates the body’s own powers of rejuvenation.
What Are the Benefits of Facial Acupuncture?
The benefits of facial acupuncture can include:
- Reduces acne
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces facial swelling and puffiness
- Minimizes sagging
- Improves facial muscle tone
- Minimizes pores
- Improves skin texture
- Brightens complexion
- Reduces jaw tension
There are minimal risks involved with facial acupuncture. In rare cases, some patients experience minor bruising where the needle is inserted. Facial acupuncture is not recommended for patients who are taking blood thinners, have a blood clotting disorder, or are pregnant. If you receive Botox or other filler injections, you should check with your clinician to make sure enough time has passed before receiving facial acupuncture.
What Should I Expect During Treatment?
Whether you’re interested in getting facial acupuncture for wrinkles, acne, or other concerns, the treatment will be largely the same. The only variation might be in exactly where the needles are placed in your face. It is best to avoid taking any blood thinning medications (such as ibuprofen) or drinking alcohol before treatment, but other than that you won’t need to go through any pretreatment procedures.
Each facial acupuncture session takes less than an hour. When you arrive, you will be asked to lie down on a table and the needles will be lightly tapped into place on your face. After this you can listen to music, read, or simply close your eyes and meditate. Many patients experience a feeling of euphoria or relaxation.
After thirty minutes the needles will be removed and you will be able to return to your normal activities. There is no recovery period needed after these treatments. Your clinician may recommend drinking plenty of water to help flush out any toxins.
How Long Will It Take to See Results?
Results vary based on patients’ age, current skin condition, and lifestyle. Multiple sessions of facial acupuncture are required to see the greatest improvements. One study found that most people who receive facial acupuncture see visible improvement after five sessions.
Your clinician will make treatment recommendations based on your specific goals, but ten total treatments administered once or twice per week is typical. After that, patients can schedule maintenance sessions every four to eight weeks or as often as needed. Maintaining a healthy diet and sticking to a well-formulated skin care routine will help maximize the results of facial acupuncture.
Looking for the most personalized beauty treatments such as cosmetic acupuncture San Diego has to offer? Book a consultation at Aspire Regenerative.