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Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern modality that can help treat the symptoms of mental and physical illness. Within acupuncture is the belief that our health is influenced by the flow of qi, a vital life force or energy that is necessary for optimal wellness. When this flow is disrupted, it can manifest as anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain, emotional fluctuations and more. Acupuncture restores the balance of qi by inserting hair-thin needles into specific acupressure points on the body. It also interacts with the underlying nerves, muscles and other tissues to help patients feel more energized, motivated and relaxed. Studies have found that acupuncture works well in conjunction with other mental health treatments and can help provide additional symptom relief without interfering with medication.
GI-MAP Testing
The gastrointestinal tract is a key player when it comes to our general wellness. A healthy gut does more than digest the food we eat — it’s home to a flourishing microbiome that strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism and even affects brain function. GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) stool testing analyzes your gut flora using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology. It accurately detects pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and more that disturb the normal microbial balance. Anyone can benefit from GI-MAP testing, including patients who want to optimize their health or get to the bottom of chronic illnesses. Some common conditions that warrant testing include digestive complaints, autoimmune disease, mood disorders (such as anxiety or depression), skin problems, and weight loss issues. Assessing your GI health can help practitioners develop a holistic wellness plan that encompasses all areas of your mental and physical health.
Micronutrient Testing
Within the body, homeostasis is crucial for optimal functioning. However, a lot of variables can throw things off balance, including the foods we consume. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), more than 30% of Americans have at least one nutritional deficiency, increasing the risk of health problems such as depression, heart disease and anemia. Micronutrient testing provides a way to analyze nutrient levels to identify any imbalances that may be present, such as low iron or inadequate vitamin D. This provides valuable insight into your overall health and allows your provider to recommend dietary changes that can improve your sense of physical, mental and emotional wellness. Micronutrient testing is an important tool for anyone looking to maintain optimal health or cure disease.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy remains the cornerstone of most mental health treatment plans. It is a highly personalized process that lets patients explore their issues in a safe environment and better understand the impact of harmful thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It also encourages the development of healthy coping skills and can reduce the severity of some symptoms. At Aspire, we have a strong collaborative relationship with many mental health providers and can help patients connect with professionals that provide individual or group therapy for a number of concerns. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, stress or something else entirely, talk to one of our providers to learn more about your treatment options.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Bioidentical hormones are biologically identical to the native hormones of the human body. BHRT remains one of the most underutilized therapies in neurology and mental health care. The agents have the ability to improve energy levels, sleep, mental clarity, anxiety, and depression. There is an ample amount of research indicating the safety and effectiveness of hormones for these indications. Youthful hormone levels are thought to be one of the important strategies to maintain vitality throughout a lifespan. Click here to learn more about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) at Aspire Regenerative.
Intranasal Therapies — Enhanced Delivery to the Brain
One of the unique challenges in medicine is delivering nutrients and medications to the brain because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). By design, the BBB exists to keep toxic chemicals away from one of our most vital organs. However, a side effect of this important shield is to keep out potentially helpful agents. Intranasal therapies, such as hormones and other small agents, have the ability to be absorbed through small blood vessels in the nose, which have only a short distance to travel to the brain. These agents are particularly useful for conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, substance abuse/addiction disorders, concussion/traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementia/Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Learn more about our Intranasal Therapies here.